Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Adios CSUN

What can I say...It feels so good to have finished what I started. Back in 1998 I never thought I'd see the day when my BA was in my hand. I made the Deans list with a 3.66 GPA (not bad for a girl who almost didn't get out of high school). It has been a bittersweet experience in that I had to work full time while carrying 12+ units at a time. I didn't get to have the whole "college" experience, but I did learn a lot about myself and what I can accomplish if I put my mind to something. Now I need to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. Everyone has something to say about what I should do, but what I want seems to be as elusive as the degree it self. I am still waiting for the state of California to send me my diploma.

I want a vacation from my life but that doesn't seem like an option at the moment. I am still debating Grad school, but I know I can't get back into the rat race yet. So I will begin the job search and interview process for my new grown up career. Now if I can only figure out what I want to do???

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